This happens every time I've ever hung out with him.
You probably have people like Josh in your life. Perhaps, as you watch them work a room, you ask yourself: "How the f*ck do they do that?" The answer might surprise you. (Hint: they weren't born with it.)
Behavior Roadmap: The Four Stages Of Competence
Anytime we see someone who we think is a natural, what we're actually seeing are the results of YEARS of hard work. The reality is: no one is a natural. We ALL have to learn social skills at some point in our lives.
Some people learn early, others learn later. As you improve your social skills, it's important to remember that we're all at our own levels of competence.
Originally developed by Noel Burch in the 1970s, the four stages of competence are a fantastic roadmap for adopting a new behavior.
Here's the model (and my pocket hands as an example).
When you're adopting a new social behavior, remember that those uncomfortable first steps are simply part of a larger process.
When you get to unconscious competence, people will look at you and ask themselves "How the f*ck do you do that?" For more on habit creation, check out Dr. BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits. (Why I now floss 3x per day) Question:
Think back to a time when you saw someone magnetic, like my friend Josh.
What do you remember thinking to yourself as you watched someone who had incredible social skills? Leave me a comment below with your answer. ------------ If you're digging the knowledge, click below and we'll chat more often.
Jeff, 1/15/2015 02:48:32 am
John, Comments are closed.
I'm Jeff.
I'll help you supercharge your people skills so that you can have a more fulfilling career, business & social life. Over the last 15 years, I’ve learned... (Read More) Popular Posts• 5 Ways a Communication Coach Can Help You Become a Better Communicator
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