Check out these results from past coaching clients!
If you’re considering communication coaching from me, feel free to read or listen to these case studies to get a better idea of what private coaching is like from the client’s perspective.
If you want to learn more about private coaching, visit my coaching page, or apply for a no-cost strategy session.
If you’re considering communication coaching from me, feel free to read or listen to these case studies to get a better idea of what private coaching is like from the client’s perspective.
If you want to learn more about private coaching, visit my coaching page, or apply for a no-cost strategy session.
Trudy uses communication coaching to accelerate her career, speak up in meetings, and have a bigger impact on her patients…
What was the biggest reason you wanted coaching? What did you hope to learn?
I wanted to use the skills I already had and then build upon them and refine them to be able to make a bigger impact on my patients I look after in the healthcare field, and that was something I recognize would launch me in my professional life but then also be skills that would be applicable in helping me in my personal relationships too.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
I would say the most important thing I've learned was how to manage my inner critic because I feel that was something that was holding me back from being able to develop all these other skills that could be built upon.
That's something that's really hard to manage without a secondary person looking from an outside perspective looking in and that is what Jeff's coaching provides."
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
Life is different after coaching.
A big win that I got from it is just being able to manage the inner critic means that I can now speak up in meetings and can have difficult conversations and that is a skill that is actually something that can be developed and something that can be learned and worked on.
Previously, I think that’s something that I would have found difficult to do just on my own accord even if I tried to work on it on my own and that's where the benefit of the coaching comes in because it is almost like a blind sport that is not on your radar until you have someone that would help guide you through that process.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from me?
I would say that you get, you get what you put into it.
It is important that you have the mindset of wanting to learn and be receptive and also put into action the steps that Jeff will recommend to you between each call.
It is all about putting the responsibility on the coach but then also taking that responsibility onto yourself and that is where you both end up getting a lot of benefit from the coaching.
I wanted to use the skills I already had and then build upon them and refine them to be able to make a bigger impact on my patients I look after in the healthcare field, and that was something I recognize would launch me in my professional life but then also be skills that would be applicable in helping me in my personal relationships too.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
I would say the most important thing I've learned was how to manage my inner critic because I feel that was something that was holding me back from being able to develop all these other skills that could be built upon.
That's something that's really hard to manage without a secondary person looking from an outside perspective looking in and that is what Jeff's coaching provides."
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
Life is different after coaching.
A big win that I got from it is just being able to manage the inner critic means that I can now speak up in meetings and can have difficult conversations and that is a skill that is actually something that can be developed and something that can be learned and worked on.
Previously, I think that’s something that I would have found difficult to do just on my own accord even if I tried to work on it on my own and that's where the benefit of the coaching comes in because it is almost like a blind sport that is not on your radar until you have someone that would help guide you through that process.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from me?
I would say that you get, you get what you put into it.
It is important that you have the mindset of wanting to learn and be receptive and also put into action the steps that Jeff will recommend to you between each call.
It is all about putting the responsibility on the coach but then also taking that responsibility onto yourself and that is where you both end up getting a lot of benefit from the coaching.
Alex gets more job interviews, and his soft skills are no longer holding him back in his career…
What was the biggest reason you wanted coaching? What did you hope to learn?
It was a point in my career when things were going well but my soft skills were really holding me back from using the technical skills that served me well to move forward.
I work with a lot of engineering type demand and things were going really well but I was at this point where I'm working with fundraising, I'm working with all different people, leading big teams and so soft skills were the issue that are starting to hold me back so I appreciate the chance to get coaching towards that.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned from coaching?
I would say making game plans for what I am trying to achieve in that I don't think I was super clear that when I engage in a social interaction, what was the goal?
I hadn't really thought about it really carefully so when working together it's really helpful to kinda think about what that goal is.
Then it was super helpful when we talked about this engagement and how to game plan around me and so I want to be a warm, positive influence and I think sometimes I was, but there were a lot of times when I didn't really convey that warmth, so in the end so I think it was really helpful for us to identify and adopt goals and then look at how to achieve it the right way.
It is one thing to see it in other people and one thing to do it yourself. Your coaching and feedback and practicing in the moment is really, really helpful.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What wins could you share?
There are a lot of wins. I mean a lot more than I even would have expected.
Part of the program you have to track wins and when you do it, it is hard to do because there are a lot of wins.
Right now I am getting more job interviews, and they are definitely going much better, and I am getting more and higher quality that I wouldn't have had without us working together.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from me?
I would say you are extremely responsive to feedback and questions. It is one thing where you could read a book, you can watch a video, and they are good but each person is different and each person has different strengths and different weaknesses.
I think the thing that is really unique and I really appreciate is how you think very carefully when I come with specific questions.
You really bring your experience to the table and personalize which in my opinion really adds value when compared to other common options that people might have.
Also, there are different ways of going about this type of thing. Sometimes like leadership classes and so on, but they can kind of, they can be generic or focus on day to day social interactions.
The bigger things, in my opinion, are easier to solve, but it’s harder for the day-to-day of ‘this specific meeting’ or dealing with ‘that specific person’. That really helps with those interactions and there are usually ten more interactions just like it and when you solve that one issue, you solve ten more you haven't even realized.
I think that is something really unique you bring to the table that I really appreciate!
It was a point in my career when things were going well but my soft skills were really holding me back from using the technical skills that served me well to move forward.
I work with a lot of engineering type demand and things were going really well but I was at this point where I'm working with fundraising, I'm working with all different people, leading big teams and so soft skills were the issue that are starting to hold me back so I appreciate the chance to get coaching towards that.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned from coaching?
I would say making game plans for what I am trying to achieve in that I don't think I was super clear that when I engage in a social interaction, what was the goal?
I hadn't really thought about it really carefully so when working together it's really helpful to kinda think about what that goal is.
Then it was super helpful when we talked about this engagement and how to game plan around me and so I want to be a warm, positive influence and I think sometimes I was, but there were a lot of times when I didn't really convey that warmth, so in the end so I think it was really helpful for us to identify and adopt goals and then look at how to achieve it the right way.
It is one thing to see it in other people and one thing to do it yourself. Your coaching and feedback and practicing in the moment is really, really helpful.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What wins could you share?
There are a lot of wins. I mean a lot more than I even would have expected.
Part of the program you have to track wins and when you do it, it is hard to do because there are a lot of wins.
Right now I am getting more job interviews, and they are definitely going much better, and I am getting more and higher quality that I wouldn't have had without us working together.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from me?
I would say you are extremely responsive to feedback and questions. It is one thing where you could read a book, you can watch a video, and they are good but each person is different and each person has different strengths and different weaknesses.
I think the thing that is really unique and I really appreciate is how you think very carefully when I come with specific questions.
You really bring your experience to the table and personalize which in my opinion really adds value when compared to other common options that people might have.
Also, there are different ways of going about this type of thing. Sometimes like leadership classes and so on, but they can kind of, they can be generic or focus on day to day social interactions.
The bigger things, in my opinion, are easier to solve, but it’s harder for the day-to-day of ‘this specific meeting’ or dealing with ‘that specific person’. That really helps with those interactions and there are usually ten more interactions just like it and when you solve that one issue, you solve ten more you haven't even realized.
I think that is something really unique you bring to the table that I really appreciate!
Victor, an entrepreneur, becomes more socially confident and stops overthinking social situations…
What was the biggest reason you wanted coaching? What did you hope to learn?
What I really hoped to learn in coaching is just to really get out of my head more and get more out in public feeling more comfortable in talking to people, being more approachable and approaching others, keeping the conversation flowing.
As an entrepreneur, a business owner, you're in your head a lot trying to make things work and, depending on how dedicated you are, you may find yourself in there so long that you haven't really went out and engaged.
I'm the kind of person that just, plans, maybe over plans and definitely overthinks. I was at a point where I realized I haven't really been out socializing and, you know, I need to get my business moving and, you know, when your life is your business.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
I think what the coaching plans that you had presented me, it really, I think what it really did for me was help me rebuild a comfort that I thought I had lost, and with that is a confidence that I felt had been lost in trying to get my businesses running and as a business owner or entrepreneur, you need to engage with people, you know, to get your product out there, especially when you are trying to tell a story not just about yourself but the products you have and are presenting.
While I don't exactly sell a service, I imagine it is the same thing when it comes to services because services you definitely have to engage with people.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What wins can you share with us?
The wins that I felt that I got out of it was how to keep the conversation going instead of, easily slipping back into your head which for me it was always the easiest thing to do.
I can be in the middle of a conversation and there could be a trigger word that would put me back into my head and, you know, I got to, just throw it back and stay with this, stay with this and building and building from there and what definitely had improved over time was when I had first started the assignments was to go out there and say hi to somebody and just try to build a conversation.
In business we talk about a return on investment. If you're a business person or entrepreneur you can take the idea of return on investment when you are going out and engaging with somebody.
That engagement is your investment. Like any investment you are either going to get a return or it is going to be a bust but you have to move forward. The confidence and comfort level that came with engaging “you know what? You can do this!”
What would you tell someone who is considering social skills coaching from me?
Don't be afraid of, um you know, giving it a try and one thing that I notice is that you had a formula for different scenarios which tells me that not only are you just providing this service, you can actually tell you are out and practicing what you are preaching and you are learning.
I can tell when yourself are learning from even your own engagements and taking that to keep building your program.
What I really hoped to learn in coaching is just to really get out of my head more and get more out in public feeling more comfortable in talking to people, being more approachable and approaching others, keeping the conversation flowing.
As an entrepreneur, a business owner, you're in your head a lot trying to make things work and, depending on how dedicated you are, you may find yourself in there so long that you haven't really went out and engaged.
I'm the kind of person that just, plans, maybe over plans and definitely overthinks. I was at a point where I realized I haven't really been out socializing and, you know, I need to get my business moving and, you know, when your life is your business.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
I think what the coaching plans that you had presented me, it really, I think what it really did for me was help me rebuild a comfort that I thought I had lost, and with that is a confidence that I felt had been lost in trying to get my businesses running and as a business owner or entrepreneur, you need to engage with people, you know, to get your product out there, especially when you are trying to tell a story not just about yourself but the products you have and are presenting.
While I don't exactly sell a service, I imagine it is the same thing when it comes to services because services you definitely have to engage with people.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What wins can you share with us?
The wins that I felt that I got out of it was how to keep the conversation going instead of, easily slipping back into your head which for me it was always the easiest thing to do.
I can be in the middle of a conversation and there could be a trigger word that would put me back into my head and, you know, I got to, just throw it back and stay with this, stay with this and building and building from there and what definitely had improved over time was when I had first started the assignments was to go out there and say hi to somebody and just try to build a conversation.
In business we talk about a return on investment. If you're a business person or entrepreneur you can take the idea of return on investment when you are going out and engaging with somebody.
That engagement is your investment. Like any investment you are either going to get a return or it is going to be a bust but you have to move forward. The confidence and comfort level that came with engaging “you know what? You can do this!”
What would you tell someone who is considering social skills coaching from me?
Don't be afraid of, um you know, giving it a try and one thing that I notice is that you had a formula for different scenarios which tells me that not only are you just providing this service, you can actually tell you are out and practicing what you are preaching and you are learning.
I can tell when yourself are learning from even your own engagements and taking that to keep building your program.
Ajibola, a software developer and team lead, gets credit for his ideas, has better meetings with his team and more...
What was the biggest reason that you wanted coaching? What did you hope to learn?
I wanted to learn how to get credit for my ideas, due to how my ideas are heard and if I am listened to appropriately and not be dismissed or not brought up in meetings.
I also wanted to be more fluent in communications as well as in meetings, team meetings, or team meetings with other peers or managers and things like that. Also to be able to disagree tactfully as well, not to be in meetings and disagree and then it just devolves into an argument.
What would you say would be the most important thing you have learned in the course of coaching?
I think the most important thing is how to create my own reality from conversations that we have in meetings. Somebody might say something that I can take two ways. Typically, I may be emotional about it and go a negative way but I have learned that I can actually take their words as positive and not allow it to affect my psyche.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after communication coaching, What wins could you share with us?
After coaching I have definitely seen in meetings where I am getting more credit for my work and find I was actually surprisingly (laughing) not what I came to coaching for but also other things like just having more fluid meetings, being able to connect with different people in meetings and things like that.
I think it has definitely helped so far.
What would you tell someone who is considering getting private coaching from me?
I'd tell them they should definitely reach out and go through the process of the first call which is a free introductory call with no obligation, and see if it is a good fit for them. I think you do a good job on the evaluation and things like that.
I would definitely tell them they shouldn't waste time and start that process.
I wanted to learn how to get credit for my ideas, due to how my ideas are heard and if I am listened to appropriately and not be dismissed or not brought up in meetings.
I also wanted to be more fluent in communications as well as in meetings, team meetings, or team meetings with other peers or managers and things like that. Also to be able to disagree tactfully as well, not to be in meetings and disagree and then it just devolves into an argument.
What would you say would be the most important thing you have learned in the course of coaching?
I think the most important thing is how to create my own reality from conversations that we have in meetings. Somebody might say something that I can take two ways. Typically, I may be emotional about it and go a negative way but I have learned that I can actually take their words as positive and not allow it to affect my psyche.
Talk a little bit about how life is different after communication coaching, What wins could you share with us?
After coaching I have definitely seen in meetings where I am getting more credit for my work and find I was actually surprisingly (laughing) not what I came to coaching for but also other things like just having more fluid meetings, being able to connect with different people in meetings and things like that.
I think it has definitely helped so far.
What would you tell someone who is considering getting private coaching from me?
I'd tell them they should definitely reach out and go through the process of the first call which is a free introductory call with no obligation, and see if it is a good fit for them. I think you do a good job on the evaluation and things like that.
I would definitely tell them they shouldn't waste time and start that process.
Felix uses private coaching to stay accountable, and improve his charisma...
What was the biggest reason you wanted coaching? What did you hope to learn?
I always felt like I was behind in the people-skills department due to my lifestyle and upbringing, and sought a way to make up for my years of lost experience.
Soon I realized the only way to make progress was to take a systematic, efficient approach.
Doing my own research on how to build my people skills could have worked but would have taken lots of time, effort, and trial-and-error--that's where coaching came in to save the day by allowing me to stand on the shoulders of giants.
During coaching, I had hoped to learn how to approach people, start conversations, and develop a healthier, less-harsh mindset towards social interactions.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
The most important thing that I learned during coaching was that even if you have all these fancy techniques and strategies in place, it will mean nothing if you're not consistent in your efforts to grow.
On top of that, even if your approach to building people skills is less than optimal, you can still make tons of progress by sticking to your game plan.
So get out there and don't stop!
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
I won't lie and say that my life has been completely transformed, but I now have a system to help me build people skills one step at a time and hold myself accountable throughout the way.
During my coaching program I had some pretty big wins such as going by myself to meetup groups, where I introduced myself to strangers, chatted with them, and actually had a good time--something I wouldn't have fathomed before committing to working on myself.
Given the progress I made throughout the coaching program, I am now much more confident in my ability to grow, socially speaking, and I now have hard evidence that charisma is less innate and more so a skill that can be learned through practice.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from Jeff?
If you realize the importance of good people skills, feel yours could need some work, but also live a really busy life, then coaching could help out a lot!
Coaching saves you tons of time by giving you access to Jeff's years and years of accumulated experience and knowledge, rather than having to go out and acquire it yourself.
That said, building people skills is a real commitment, with or without coaching, so expect to put in some hard work if you want to see real progress.
This means actually doing research, dragging yourself out of your house for an event you said you'd go to even if you have ten excuses not to, and just sticking to your game plan consistently.
I always felt like I was behind in the people-skills department due to my lifestyle and upbringing, and sought a way to make up for my years of lost experience.
Soon I realized the only way to make progress was to take a systematic, efficient approach.
Doing my own research on how to build my people skills could have worked but would have taken lots of time, effort, and trial-and-error--that's where coaching came in to save the day by allowing me to stand on the shoulders of giants.
During coaching, I had hoped to learn how to approach people, start conversations, and develop a healthier, less-harsh mindset towards social interactions.
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
The most important thing that I learned during coaching was that even if you have all these fancy techniques and strategies in place, it will mean nothing if you're not consistent in your efforts to grow.
On top of that, even if your approach to building people skills is less than optimal, you can still make tons of progress by sticking to your game plan.
So get out there and don't stop!
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
I won't lie and say that my life has been completely transformed, but I now have a system to help me build people skills one step at a time and hold myself accountable throughout the way.
During my coaching program I had some pretty big wins such as going by myself to meetup groups, where I introduced myself to strangers, chatted with them, and actually had a good time--something I wouldn't have fathomed before committing to working on myself.
Given the progress I made throughout the coaching program, I am now much more confident in my ability to grow, socially speaking, and I now have hard evidence that charisma is less innate and more so a skill that can be learned through practice.
What would you tell someone who is considering private coaching from Jeff?
If you realize the importance of good people skills, feel yours could need some work, but also live a really busy life, then coaching could help out a lot!
Coaching saves you tons of time by giving you access to Jeff's years and years of accumulated experience and knowledge, rather than having to go out and acquire it yourself.
That said, building people skills is a real commitment, with or without coaching, so expect to put in some hard work if you want to see real progress.
This means actually doing research, dragging yourself out of your house for an event you said you'd go to even if you have ten excuses not to, and just sticking to your game plan consistently.
Julia, an IT business analyst becomes more confident speaking up in meetings and more...
What was the biggest reason you wanted coaching. What did you hope to learn?
I wanted to get coaching to really develop my confidence in being able to better respond, better communicate and just better express my thoughts and perspective when it comes to social settings.
In work how do I be more compelling, how do I be more persuasive, how do I better encourage banter so that we have better opportunities to have a better relationship with the people I'm working with are just a few examples, and I came across Become More Compelling and just pretty much knew from the get go, it seemed like with my experience it would definitely help me."
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
One of the most important things I took away is being consistent and even if it is a small action or small task, making it part of your daily or weekly habit to apply has been probably the biggest reason that I have seen so much confidence in my development and improvement of my social skills.
So, keeping that in my mind, doing a bit every day really helps you get the hang of it. Without that I don't think I would be able to say, look these are my tools I have learned and can apply without having that regular discipline to apply them."
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
Before coming into coaching. I was very or pretty much your classic sitting at the back or in this case putting yourself on mute in the back of a meeting and just listen, and not really getting a chance to contribute, not knowing how to contribute, and always feeling lost in the conversation.
But from coaching and from the tools I got from Become More Compelling the whole situation has flipped. I am actually initiating conversations in meetings.
I am getting to throw my ideas out and expressing them in a way that my teammates understand, can emphasize and can also then come to agree or share another viewpoint and that just helps us bounce ideas, and meetings now become so much more productive, and I am feeling that I am making a meaningful contribution just from being able to better centralize and express myself in this context.
I am much more confident as I've got this new found, as you said competence, in my ability to do social activities and handle myself in social conversations and contact videos."
What would you tell someone who is considering getting private coaching from me?
I would say just understand where your, commitments and time availability are because coaching does require an investment on your part equally as much as it is for the coach.
So getting the chance to say I can devote some time every day or some time every week to actually apply what you want is super important.
Number one, understand what's your availability and can you actually invest the time needed to contribute to make a difference.
The second thing that comes to mind is if someone says, hey, is coaching something for me is understand this: it is also your learning process as well and not necessarily every single answer from your coach.
It is very much like a two way running highway where as much as your figuring out your contributing and having your coach as a sounding board and also discuss through ideas so I think that is really important to set that idea or expectation that it is not every single answer is going to be there just that very much you who figure things along the way and problems solved together to kind of address any problems or situations you will find yourself in with your social skills.
Julia, I have enjoyed having you as a client immensely. I appreciate you taking a couple of minutes and sharing your experience.
Thank you. It has been such an amazing and such a highlight I would say to my year getting the chance to upgrade my confidence in those social skills. You really helped me, Jeff!
I wanted to get coaching to really develop my confidence in being able to better respond, better communicate and just better express my thoughts and perspective when it comes to social settings.
In work how do I be more compelling, how do I be more persuasive, how do I better encourage banter so that we have better opportunities to have a better relationship with the people I'm working with are just a few examples, and I came across Become More Compelling and just pretty much knew from the get go, it seemed like with my experience it would definitely help me."
What would you say is the most important thing you have learned with coaching?
One of the most important things I took away is being consistent and even if it is a small action or small task, making it part of your daily or weekly habit to apply has been probably the biggest reason that I have seen so much confidence in my development and improvement of my social skills.
So, keeping that in my mind, doing a bit every day really helps you get the hang of it. Without that I don't think I would be able to say, look these are my tools I have learned and can apply without having that regular discipline to apply them."
Talk a little bit about how life is different after coaching. What sort of wins can you share with us?
Before coming into coaching. I was very or pretty much your classic sitting at the back or in this case putting yourself on mute in the back of a meeting and just listen, and not really getting a chance to contribute, not knowing how to contribute, and always feeling lost in the conversation.
But from coaching and from the tools I got from Become More Compelling the whole situation has flipped. I am actually initiating conversations in meetings.
I am getting to throw my ideas out and expressing them in a way that my teammates understand, can emphasize and can also then come to agree or share another viewpoint and that just helps us bounce ideas, and meetings now become so much more productive, and I am feeling that I am making a meaningful contribution just from being able to better centralize and express myself in this context.
I am much more confident as I've got this new found, as you said competence, in my ability to do social activities and handle myself in social conversations and contact videos."
What would you tell someone who is considering getting private coaching from me?
I would say just understand where your, commitments and time availability are because coaching does require an investment on your part equally as much as it is for the coach.
So getting the chance to say I can devote some time every day or some time every week to actually apply what you want is super important.
Number one, understand what's your availability and can you actually invest the time needed to contribute to make a difference.
The second thing that comes to mind is if someone says, hey, is coaching something for me is understand this: it is also your learning process as well and not necessarily every single answer from your coach.
It is very much like a two way running highway where as much as your figuring out your contributing and having your coach as a sounding board and also discuss through ideas so I think that is really important to set that idea or expectation that it is not every single answer is going to be there just that very much you who figure things along the way and problems solved together to kind of address any problems or situations you will find yourself in with your social skills.
Julia, I have enjoyed having you as a client immensely. I appreciate you taking a couple of minutes and sharing your experience.
Thank you. It has been such an amazing and such a highlight I would say to my year getting the chance to upgrade my confidence in those social skills. You really helped me, Jeff!
Faiz becomes more present and stops mind-reading after coaching...
Doug uses coaching to help him communicate better at work and in his personal life...
Dustin becomes more socially confident and stops overthinking...
(Another) Dustin gets out of his own head and has better conversations...
Phil uses coaching to dial-in his social mindset and have more fun...
*Case studies were lightly edited for length & clarity.